the men in the room

Sitting at Sequoya library where I do my school writing the recession resonates with me deeply. It’s not that the recession doesn’t effect me every day in different ways, because it does. My dad’s unemployment is a constant reminder. And the New York Times always has an article or two, as does Slate. If I turn on the TV, there will inevitably be a news story about the recession. It’s everywhere. Today I was reading an article about the impact the recession has had on Madison, which has been far more significant than expected. Typically, Madison is insulated from economic downturns through its predominate employers: state government and the University. But, the article listed all sorts of ways that the Madison was effected, from the furlough days that the state and university employees have had to take to the lay-off of 20+ scientists that worked for a research company that left. Not to mention the closure of the GM plant in Janesville and the fallout from the housing bubble which has led to less work for construction workers and less transfers of property which affects a legion of professionals.

Here at the library, I am reminded of unemployment. I’m sitting in the “reading room” where there are comfy chairs with outlets for computers (I wanted a table but the ones with outlets were occupied). Everyone in this room is a middle-aged man, except for me. 2/3s of the people at the tables behind the stacks were middle-aged men, too. They are working on computers, reading magazines, and newspapers. Last time I worked here (last week), that stats were similar. It’s a lovely library, and I think that it’s great that the community utilizes it with great gusto. But, it is sad. I know that a couple of years ago, I didn’t see this many men at the library in the mid/late afternoon.  This is what the recession looks like.

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